
Here are the Fall 2024/Spring 2025 tryout dates:

  • Tryouts are from 6-8pm, unless indicated otherwise. (Note: some of the younger ages may not go that long.)
  • Please arrive at the soccer shed no later than 5:30 to sign in for tryouts.
  • Colored and numbered pinnies will be given out as part of registration process. It is very important to arrive by 5:30 to get through registration and be assigned a pinnie. Please be sure to turn in the pinnies before leaving tryouts.
  • Remember to bring water, a soccer ball, and wear cleats/shin guards.

Boys U9-U12/13 tryouts – May 1st and May 14th, 5:30 to 8:00

Girls U9-U12/13 tryouts – April 30th and May 15th, 5:30 to 8:00

**Dates and times are subject to change – Notification will be published if the dates or times are changed **

Age Guidlines





2015 and 2016 birthday's (preference given to 2016's as it's their natural age group

2014 birthday's

2013 birthday's

2012 and 2011 birthday's (It will be determined how we handle this age group based on # of potential players)

Additional information & Guidelines

  • CYSC plans to hold two tryouts on two dates for each age division. Players must attend at least one of the tryout sessions, but are encouraged to attend both. We strongly encourage players to make every attempt to attend the first tryout in the event that the second tryout is cancelled due to weather.
  • Players should arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the tryout in order to register.
  • Players should bring a correct sized soccer ball (pumped up, not flat) and a water bottle.
  • All tryout attendees must be registered with CYSC for the fall season.
  • CYSC reserves the right to form a select team by combining age groups based on registration numbers or talent levels at the particular age groups involved.
  • For the fall season, coaches are allowed to add 2 coach picks
  • For the spring season, players may be added to the team based on coach and/or CYSC Board input without going through a new tryout process.
  • Tryout evaluators will consist of the head coach, other CYSC associates, and/or outside of the club agents.
  • Coaches will be able to observe the tryout registrants for their age groups, take notes, and provide scoring for their team.
  • Once teams are confirmed, there will be no adjustments to the teams without the approval of the Board.
  • Any changes without the Board approval will be handled accordingly and within the guidelines of the By-Laws.
  • All decisions of the tryout process are final.
  • Any changes to the guidelines can be done by approval of the Board at a Board meeting.
  • All decisions by the Board are final. Based on the good of the club, the Board may make adjustments to the guidelines.

Process for playing up an age group:

  • For a player to play up an age group, they must first be recommended by a CYSC coach.
  • Each player desiring to play up an age group must attend both tryout dates.
  • On the 1st tryout date, the player will tryout in their natural age group.
  • On the 2nd tryout date, the player will tryout against the older age group.
  • Final decision for all players playing up an age group is in the hands of the CYSC board and can be approved by a majority decision (minimum of 3 votes of 5). All decisions about players playing up an age group will weigh both individual development and the best interest of the club and teams.
  • If board approves, board will also dictate which age group the player plays in.