Cocalico Youth Soccer Club’s U8 Program provides players aged 6 and 7 the opportunity to develop their skills in a progressive program against other CYSC U8 teams.

Program Details
This program teaches the fundamentals of soccer the players will need as they progress through the Club’s age groups.
Players will play 4v4 small-sided games to demonstrate their newly-developed skills.
At this age, the focus is on having fun and developing fundamental ball skills, not on the competitive aspects of the game.
The season is typically 8 weeks long and runs April to May in the Spring and September to October in the Fall.
Games: Games are held on Saturday mornings at the Cocalico High School soccer fields.
Practice: Two one-hour practices are held during the week on days selected by the volunteer parent coach (a great way to select your child’s practice night is to become a volunteer coach – training and materials are provided).
Players will need to have the items below at all practices and games:
– Soccer cleats or a good pair of running shoes
– Shin Guards
– #3 size Soccer Ball
– Full water bottle
Uniforms are to be purchased at the time of registration. Jerseys are available for $15.
Black shorts are recommended as part of the “game day” uniform.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at cocalicoyouthsoccer@gmail.com

Registration details are sent out ahead of time through our email updates. If you are interested in this program, and would like to be notified when there are spots available please sign up through form at the bottom of this page.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the U8 Coordinator at cocalicoysu8@gmail.com.